Friday, October 29, 2010

strong tower (acts 1)

Father, You are my strong tower, You are the mighty fortress I hope in.Though I might lose everything, I will have peace in You. Lord, the resting place is You. Not in anything that I can buy, get ,or have given to me. Just You. I trust in You. I keep saying that because sometimes I just need to get it in my head. For the disciples, the resting place was a hope in Jesus Christ to come back to life, and once He did it was a hope to come back out of the clouds. He will come back, but He wants all of His children to come, the full measure of who will come to hope in Him. Today we have the same hope as them. We must endure to get the full measure of who will follow Him. That is a great hope and resting place for us. He loves us all so much that He is waiting for those who will choose Him. He is truly our resting place/strong tower/ safe place. He will never fail. I want to be like Him.

Lord, show me how to be a man who can affectively lead others to find that resting place. We can help them by showing them the one lone tower in the field, and You are that tower. I love You.

(Wrote on a grassy hill at night with a flash light haha. Yes it's fun to do that.I highly recommend it. Writing outside really helps you understand God vividly)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Purity again (mark 15)

It's a funny section of the bible I go through this now. I go through it near halloween. That (the day Jesus was crucified) was a dark day,but also a very respected day. I have that day to thank for my sins being taken. This lamb walked willingly to be slaughtered. The King, out of love, was beaten and killed for me. I can forever be with Him. Not just me, but all of us. And all the while, there were some women watching from a distance. I image all their sorrow and love. A womans heart is a beautiful thing. They have the ability to care in a unique way that just looks somehow beautiful.....God came to rescue the weak. We are all weak. When we look at the reality of how fragile we are and humble ourselves,taking His blood (which He freely gives) for a ransom for our sins. God forgives our dept.He was so strong when He was healthy that pilate didn't at first believe He was dead. Jesus must have been very strong to last as long as He did already.

Lord, I pray You would be with me today. I admit fully that I may have made You second, but logically no one can sustain me with life. No one can hold me stronger. No one can give me peace and purpose. Only You can. I've been reading about chastity, chastity is all for You anyway. I may have not realized how greatly important it was before (except that it was only a rule) but today I know the rewards You have to offer. I see them. Pure love means a pure marriage that is full. But we trade the choice for purity for our own trash. We think the trash is better but it's really not. Allow me to experience that purity in my future marriage and love. That purity is something that I take by faith. True purity is alot like living in the garden of eden again. Nothing can hurt us. It's purity. True purity. I love You Lord.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The things we build (mark 13:1-2)

All these things we build ourselves will not last. They will fall.We marvel over so many things in or this world. It's so sad because we just trade it for something that won't last forever. It might be stolen. It might be lost, weather might rip it apart. It might be defaced. I hold on to the things the world has too. I want something important. I want what!? Glory from men is nothing but a whisp of air!? A beautiful girl?! She could change by the stress of the world on her. She could just not want to go forward anymore.

But You O'Lord, will not change It's You i need to constantly remind myself to seek after. Let's make no mistake, I forget too. Someday on a bright morning, I'll be able to run into Your arms and I'll wonder, "what was I ever thinking?!" You Father are the true treasure. All I do is for You! To further Your kingdom. You provide all I need and could ever want in this place on earth. Why do I need to travel through all this hard stuff just to be in Your arms. I love You Father, I love You.
-matthew kelly

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Never give up (Mark 12:1-10)

Lord, You make our hearts beautiful. All that is evil will not stand against Your purposes to make beauty out of ....nothing. Even my own life is changed if I give what is,nothing anymore, to You. I praise You. You are good Lord, not only that,but great.Your purposes are to be trusted and here and now I re-dedicate myself to serve You . no matter what may happen. God, You must love us with an everlasting love beyond my own dreams and imagination. I'm only now realizing this about You.

And what is more You are the everlasting King, Loving. I would feel great honor and safety if I could just crawl into Your lap. I would fall asleep without a worry because You are stronger. I can't wait to just run in the green grass. You are so loving, You sent so many to us, to help. You never give up. You could see that I would love You. And You can't give up on my small existence and love. I live because You love. I exist because You would never let go, on any of us. All I need that's all any of us need to do. I love You Jesus, I love You Lord.
-matthew kelly

Friday, October 15, 2010

Salt...not the movie (mark 9:50)

“salt is good..”, "have salt in yourself..." what does that mean, except for the obvious? Salt is a spice, it’s also strong, and bitter. Our ,“saltiness” is our spunk (that’s the only word I can use to help describe it), but that’s only apart of it. I’m going to go off “spunk.” So salt can represent our personality or that thing that drives us. Like salt in my heart for winning has to do with what winning means to me. It means glory of being the best at it,(at least now) It means I’m cool, It means i can take care of myself here, it means i have power, etc. That is salt,spice of things. God loves salt,it’s our passion for things. He wanted to salt the earth and He made adventure with many variables. Salt makes me enjoy it. He tossed it in the mix of things.
We need salt in our mission, especially when seeking God. Things are just more entertaining. The biggest lie about God is He is dull. How can anyone truthfully believe that. This is a God who created brilliant adventure and amazing gorgeous things all around us! The adventure is everywhere! We just need to live in this world created by an amazing King. Our Dad really is all we can hope for.In a world where no one is 100% honest or pure in heart, it’s sometimes hard to believe because we’ve never seen that. The enemy wants to destroy this, all of it! I don’t know what his problem is...just selfishness, it’s basically self-destructive.Satan has no chance, even if by some impossible way he was to gain power, his kingdom would fall.But thanks be to our good Fathers strength, we have nothing to fear, EVER!!
Lord, I love You! More today than before. You are strong, You are powerful, You are all knowing, what do I have to fear?
I love You.
-matthew kelly

Thursday, October 14, 2010

dread champion

God has made me do things with a passion and without fail. I will never fail so long as God is walking with me. How can I lose if God comes like a dread champion (Jeremiah 20:11 NASB).I have nothing to fear. You’ve got to understand, being raised in a Christian home has it’s benefits than the world. I’m not like other men. I will always persevere for the right cause (the Just cause). I simply must. God built that in me,and does with all who seek Him.

Evil must not win. Justice must prevail. Christ is attractive for that reason, He will never fail. He loved us so much, He was betrayed,spit on, humiliated, beat, talked about, and finally crucified. I want to be like Him. He’s my hero. Then He wasn’t finished,3 days later, He broke the gates of Hell down, and came alive. Death couldn’t take Him. His body, mind, and was transformed to be stronger. He loved us so much,He went from death to life, from Hell and Heaven, to save His beloved. Us. That’s my Dad. That’s our Dad. We pursue Him together. And love together, the One who came to earth beaten and bruised,Hell, Heaven,to earth in a new body. Proving that He alone has the power to win. Go with me in this epic’s full of pain ,and suffering,but it has it’s rewards that last forever. And me? I will never give up to heal. He’s healing me even now. It’s not about my physical state...It’s about my heart. Will my heart prevail?It must. You want to stop me? You're going to need to kill me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

agianst the grain (mark 7)

We hold so tightly to man made laws and traditions. I rebuke these things. I go against the grain. If I must and I sit here at a "rest stop" in the grass,without a chair even...all things man made, are open to flaw.Even I am. I can't do anything. I can't even just be who I am right now.But it's you Lord who guides me, You guide my paths. You make them straight. All things I fear that could happen, are safely in Your gentle hands. So i'm going against the grain, everything is against that, I seek You. I know You'll make what was in my life, beautiful again. Nothing can stop that! Because nothing can stop you.

Matthew (you humble servant)

Save me, I know you realize how hurt I am right now. How I can't stand, even now. I can stand with You. It's You who gets me through. It's You I hope in.

Friday, October 1, 2010

weak then strong (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Lord, You mold me through hardships to be stronger than before. I have nothing, even less now. Be my strength because, when I am weak,then I am strong. When we can recklessly abandon our lives for a trade,we gain so much. I never really understood that until now. You are our strength. We are not our own. I'm surprised I even remember this, it's in 2 Corinthians 12:10. Christ all the more in us when we humble ourselves.

You are our strength.