Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Recklessly (Luke 24:1-12)

I love what Peter did here. The others just sat and listened  like the women were babbling stuff (read it) and they didn't believe them, but Peter got up and ran to the tomb. I imagine him running as hard as he could, wanting desperately for what they said to be true.I see Peter like a grown man becoming a boy again, wanting deeply for the tales and dreams to be true (I think we all need to do this sometimes, a child is carefree). Just  going and doing it because His true Father says, "you can do it." This is the way the way that Jesus comes to us. We are all little children compared, in this broken world where we're lost. This is a dangerous place, and although we want to see ourselves as big and strong, we aren't, by ourselves, without our big strong Dad to protect us. We can live and dream of the impossible because that's what our Dad is with us, He makes the impossible happen out of His beautiful wisdom. All He does is amazing and nothing but art. He creates beauty out of the broken and ashes. We kinda are falling apart. No, not kinda, we are. We have a brilliant Dad who carries us the steps we can't make anymore. We were given the freedom to dream again. In John 21:1-14, Peter does the same kind of thing. He jumps off the boat pretty much recklessly.