Monday, September 29, 2014

Humble like a Lamb

      I've debated ALOT of people in my experience with trying to let people see what God did for us. One day I was thinking about people and my frustration. I thought, "why can't they see what God did for us. There is so much evidence scientifically, historically, socially and logically."
      I had since my 20's, gave up trying to convince people with logic. People can't initially believe with their minds. I'm not saying, "you can't think." I'm just saying our preconceived notions, our pride, and fear get in the way like a blockade.
      Jesus is brilliant. He said, "they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven (mark 4:12). This is not a sad verse. God isn't preventing people from hearing and seeing. Jesus was just stating a fact. If "they" (people in general) humble themselves they can see and hear! We don't know anything about the spiritual world everybody. That is the truth. We've never seen it, I hope none of us are dead yet.
      I was recently thinking about my frustration with an individual, I thought, "It's like they're blind, how can I even show them Jesus? They'll die if I fail! They won't go to heaven!" Then God brought to my mind, "come as a little child (Matthew 18:3)." I realized God used stories to relate salvation to people and said, we need to humble ourselves and become like little children (to enter heaven)! What do little children do? They trust the one with authority and are humble. That doesn't mean, "never learn anything." He gave us brains to think. Our brains allow us to realize who He is, then we can turn and be amazed at the One who is all. At the start of knowing God, we need to come with our eyes and ears as a child. We aren't that cool. The Lord is perfect. He is our King, He is our ultimate provider, He is love, and our peace when the waters are out of control around us.
      Knowing the truth of who He is, is true humility.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

He Forever Calls To Us (psalms 46)

                    What should we do now? When we have no money? When our family is losing it? When we lose our job? When earth is shaking? When the sky caves in? When I have nothing to stand on? Where will I go? What can I do? What can people say?
           My Father is the Lord God who made everything. He promises to hold on to me! He says to be calm in the storm, He was even asleep inside the chaos (Matthew 8:23-27)! To sleep, you can’t be worried. That my friends, is a fact. Be calm , He commands us in Psalms 46:10 to “Be still and know that I am God,” calmly. He fights for you if you would “be still, and know….” That doesn’t make sense! Neither does any faith in anyone, unless you know that person. Sooo, our God and Father says, “Come(to me) Matthew 11:28-29.” He is our rest! He is our peace.
“wisdom cries aloud in the streets,
She raises her voice; at the head of
The noisy streets she cries out.”
-Proverbs 1:20-21a

       To trust Him, learn about your father. Spend time with Him. I can’t tell you who He is. We can’t really know it or believe it unless we discover it for ourselves through experience. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

gods.... (Judges 17)

         In those days, Israel didn’t have much focus. “Micah” an Israelite, returned 1,100 pieces of silver to his mother. His mother was thankful and had an imaged carved. Micah kept the image in his home with the collection of “house gods” that he had. He then made his own son a priest! Everything in the bible aren't prescribed teachings of what to do that is right. Sometimes the bible is just reporting the state of things at given moments at certain locations. The people of Israel did what they thought was right. So they did things like make their own sons priests.... I think the fascination with gods wasn’t really the worship of something they didn’t understand. I think it’s really an exterior worship of “self.” They were able to make their own rules, their own religion and no bounds. No one could tell them different. They could do what they wanted. They could form the personality of that image how they saw fit. They would be god.

    It’s kind of the same thing with us today. We aren’t more “evolved,” The only difference is we don’t use idols anymore. We’re more blunt, we don’t hide our worship of other things. We make certain “things” in our lives more important than they should be. We forget about God and make our own rules. Then it works out because we’re able to worship ourselves. That really doesn’t fill us. It just satisfies us for a temporary time.