Thursday, September 30, 2010

beauty (matthew 26)

You made this world so beautiful and delicate. Not exactly cushy, but beautiful. That tells me something about what you value. You are amazing God for so many reasons but I will focus on just one, You value beauty. Trees are beautiful, the sky,the water,humans and animals. It's all so artistic. Even the words and poetry You write in everything. You enjoy beauty. That makes me proud to serve You Lord. You're like none other we can even dare to imagine. You brought beauty to earth and we shoved that is Your face by distorting Your Son. Yet you still love us O' that I could return Your love, not through hate or perversion but make it new. I can't wait till this is all made right, all that was meant to be good(this world). Peace,love, and joy will remain powerful. No longer will perversion rule this world. I can't wait.

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