Tuesday, September 16, 2014

He Forever Calls To Us (psalms 46)

                    What should we do now? When we have no money? When our family is losing it? When we lose our job? When earth is shaking? When the sky caves in? When I have nothing to stand on? Where will I go? What can I do? What can people say?
           My Father is the Lord God who made everything. He promises to hold on to me! He says to be calm in the storm, He was even asleep inside the chaos (Matthew 8:23-27)! To sleep, you can’t be worried. That my friends, is a fact. Be calm , He commands us in Psalms 46:10 to “Be still and know that I am God,” calmly. He fights for you if you would “be still, and know….” That doesn’t make sense! Neither does any faith in anyone, unless you know that person. Sooo, our God and Father says, “Come(to me) Matthew 11:28-29.” He is our rest! He is our peace.
“wisdom cries aloud in the streets,
She raises her voice; at the head of
The noisy streets she cries out.”
-Proverbs 1:20-21a

       To trust Him, learn about your father. Spend time with Him. I can’t tell you who He is. We can’t really know it or believe it unless we discover it for ourselves through experience. 

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