Monday, December 2, 2013

The Cloud (numbers 9, or on cloud 9?)

    A cloud by day and fire by night. God made His guidance apparent and clearly shown. Sometimes, I’ve noticed, it stays in a certain place for unpredictable amounts of time. Sometimes it stayed for a short amount of time. The text doesn’t give any reason but I believe God has His reasons. I personally think God was teaching the Israelites patients. Patients is vital, to just learn to be calm, knowing He is God. When they were waiting, they had water and food. I think the Israelites were at first eager to be moving, they were eager to keep going. Then, eventually, they knew/learned that they have all they need. I think they were just able to live their lives with the peace that their Father had them. All they needed to worry about was when to continue on to the next location/thing/object. It’s not that hard to follow a burning cloud of fire. When they saw it, it would just remind them that God is God. He is powerfully enough to provide, you’ll get wherever He leads. There’s just no need to worry. That right there is something that people who trust in the Lord don’t need to think about. He will provide. The world doesn’t share that view. If you don’t have the Lord in your life, al the weight of everything just falls on you. When something goes wrong, it’s your fault, no one else to blame. Need a job? It’s all on you. Are you hungry? Scrape up something to eat. Are you weak and need to be strong? Pull your bootstraps up. You’re the only one who can at this time. You’re the only one who cares about you! You made the choice! We weren’t created like that. We were created to run off of Him, His power. The Lord wants to give you what you need, but you need to follow the cloud. You need to walk on the path that He laid out.
           You say,, where do I start? You first take baby steps. You pray and tell Him you want to follow. You then do what you say, and follow through following His word in the bible. Follow what He asks you there. He’ll develop in you a passion for a certain part of it. You spend time with Him regularly. He’ll open up doors and make new pathways to follow. That’s how you do it. Trust the path He lays before you.

Matthew Kelly           

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