I knew this would come. I know logically the Lord is powerful. I know He is there for us but satan whispers "what if." What if He doesn't love you, what if He isn't who you believe He is? But He is that. Why else would He give us beauty to look at? Why else would fruit or vegetables taste good at all? Why do we laugh or have freedom to do anything? If I want to play in the creek now , I can. Why else would He create a world the way it is if He wasn't who I know He is.
Lord,take this from my mind. This is.....not....me...Well the questioning thing is me but not the doubt of something I know is true. As far as I know I will always give over everything, with no regard to my own gain, I know logically,"what is the point of us?" I must accept the purpose God Himself places on us, only then, we have worth because He says we do. In and of myself I have nothing I can gain and nothing to lose. I'm aware that,that may sound prideful to even say that but it's still just me. All is worthless if it doesn't get eternal gain! Only God matters. Father call me out to walk on water and I'll do it. I may not be successful all the time but I'll go....
this is a continuation this day, like two min. after....
I believe God has me now on a water walk, questioning... "are you really going to step out....I say YES!! Because I'm more vulnerable now then I've ever been before, I'm calling back to the Lord "if you really want me to walk, call me out." If I fall, I fall, if I stand, I gain beyond my dreams. I'll have the Lord. I think we all do this in one way or another. God lets us know Him and we accept Him. Peter is thinking in simple terms, "if He is God and the Christ, I can walk on water." What can you stop if it's God will? Peter sought to prove something to Himself and ended up finding his own limit. He looked at the waves and rage around him. He then found he was weaker to do it himself, he found true power in God.I love You Father.
your writing is so so encouraging. thanks matt. :)
This is very encouraging, Matt! I like that phrase "water walk"... it's so true, that's what it feels like at times. Thank you for this!
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