My heart groans tonight to know my Lord more than I do.
Tonight I went to a bible study and there was one thing that stuck with me and stood out, out of anything else that was said today. GOD'S PRESENCE. In the beginning, God walked with us. His presence was there. He always wanted to be near to us, to love us, but we pushed Him away. Regardless, God always pursued, He never quit. At the closing chapter of Exodus, His presence finally came again to dwell with man. It filled the tabernacle. God made a way again through the law and through a covenant.
The Father, our Daddy, and the term I've been hearing from several different sources these past few weeks, our Papa, our joy, our strength, the rock that will not move, our life, our love for which no love can compete or match. His Love will not fail. Finally we pushed Him away again while all along He confessed His Love for me, the prostitute (ezekiel 16), playing the whore all to well, I run after everything but Him. There was one final push to end all attempts at Love, the Christ came like a rushing wind. He ambushed the shores, He burst through the doors leaving no survivors of the enemy to stand in the way.
I was sitting in the corner and He dashed the chains to pieces (isaiah 61:1-2), finally I saw clearly, I was Loved Only Once and all other times were a shadow. GOD'S PRESENCE had come again to the world. His powerful Spirit is a rushing wind in my soul, His powerful blow ambushed the shores, His strong arm blast the doors because He heard I was in pain, He heard me call His name in my anger and torture for the mess I chose and to my surprise, Dad came so fast and so hard just to save His boy.
And when He got me, I looked up into His eyes as the beaten cheater and whore I'd become and said, "I love you Jesus. I love you Papa, I love you Daddy, never again...You're the reason I live."
I love you Jesus. I love you Daddy. I love you. I love you.
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