Thursday, April 21, 2011

Justice,Love, and Truth

Justice=The follow through action of a truth stated
Love=Design so perfect, that it is an absolute of forgiveness,willingness to give everything and is based on the reality of truth and justice.
Truth=Reality that is

You know this debate all through the Christian community about Rob Bell and his book "Love Wins." I read an entire article in "Time" magazine . I've been thinking about this alot, alot, alot. If hell has been destroyed or will be someday, if it doesn't matter if you accept Christ or not, then there is no purpose for Christ to be set here. I can see why this would stir up controversy. Jesus when praying says, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless , not as I will, but as You will"-Matthew 26:39. That means , that if He didn't need to die for our sins, for us to go to heaven , He wouldn't die. But He did die. His real love is demonstrated through justice. Justice makes life function, that's what it is, the basis of true reality (the truth that paper can't pass through a table, is the truth of reality. Justice is that or the follow through with this true statement is ,paper can't pass through it). If God allows a lie (God not being life), to continue on, there is not justice. His forgiveness is based in justice that needs to be done. Everything God is and stands for is ruined. God forgives us because the punishment for pain,suffering and sin was paid for through Christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross for us. Love and truth (what is) can not be without each other. I wish that this would be understood by us.

(I don't currently have the book yet, I can't make a proper judgement of the assertion of the TIME article, I'm currently buying the book. I'll confirm this or deny this when I get it)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Out of Camp (Hebrews 13)

Isn't it strange, the Israelites went outside the camp to burn the sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 13:12) I'm personally drawn away to be alone with God, outside the comfortable places. Sometimes for me (not everyone), in the comfortable places, I just don't get as much done and it's easier to sin. Could "going outside the camp" be some sort of symbol of "apart?" Like you become apart from God and the whole of unity that God always intended for humanity? Now that I think of it, it probably is. God has this way of making alot that He commanded the Israelites to do, to be symbols. Just think about it, did sacrificing animals ever really take away sins? No, it was all just foretelling what needs to happen, we're all a bit "thick."Either way, isn't it just more proper to mess with stuff that just grosses you out, to do outside the area you're living in? We are being cleansed, washed and coming back in. A good point is made, Christ was "outside the camp" when He was crucified. It was a filthy thing to do, but God really must love us. Think of someone you truly love, what would you do for him/her? What do we do outside the camp? Well, (forgive this) we poop, discard of radio activity, dump our garbage, and we do things in secret. Funny how they're all proper to do out-side the focus of our daily lives. Life is not meant to be lived in sin. Christ makes us clean and walks us back in.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I came to this realization. Jesus loves us so much that His love is greater than our amount of sinning and continuing trip over the same old stumbling block of sin. That is great love beyond what I can imagine. If someone said sorry to me and later kept doing it, I wouldn’t really forgive them. I would say it on the outside but to protect myself, I wouldn't really believe it.