Saturday, January 29, 2011

Burden Bear (play on words, oh yes) Galatians 6

O' Lord You love us so much. It gives me passion to press on. I'm easy to drive on, I love to love, and I love Your love. It's unrelenting. It's so unlike in life, how I learned to love. My love fails, constantly. But Your love never fails. Your well goes on for eternity. Who are we to You? We're the object of Your love. You are my purpose at all. There really is no purpose without You. You are new everyday. How can that be? I know this is something I've said before but it's so true. Our Father calls to bare each others burdens, and help them along. Lord teach me to bare the burdens others have. I pray that just talking to me would release a little. But by now means, I don't want to take the glory from You. I would like to help though. Teach me how to help the best way I can. I love You for taking our weight.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

love begot life

I've been thinking alot about community. I've never really understood that God was always making us into community. It's how we were meant to live, it's not natural to be alone, and want to be alone. Even God Himself is a community, Himself. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. As three they are One. The smallest unit is two. A husband and a wife. Together they make one. Your wife or husband is you. You operate with her, as one. Humanity was created out of love. God truly loves us. His love begot humanity. We are alive because He loves us. However evil is self-destructive, not only to everything,but even to itself. It will not last forever. It will die alone,useless,with nothing to show, and pathetic with nothing else to destroy. But love creates Life. We can see that even now. Not only life but hope, and even strength. There across the street was a torn, and broken young man. Abused and tossed out of his home,but then you come along,give him a meal, a smile, and make him your friend. The young man gains hope that he's going to be alright. He then goes about through life. He sees a beautiful young woman about his age. He's instantly attracted to her. The two fall in love. They do sweet things for each other. He, one day, surprises her with a marriage ring. Of course she says yes. They get married. The young man gets a job with a house building company, because out of love, he wants to provide for his new wife,whom he loves more than anyone. Later the two decide they want a child. The husband and wife,out of love, had a baby. Love begot life. Out of love, God created humanity. Out of love, Christ died for us, giving us an eternity with Him. Love begot love. Love really is the most powerful force out there. In the end, love always wins the war. Good wins over evil. I LOVE YOU LORD.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"you shall surely die"

hear me out.....

I'm going to be a cliche Christian and get excited for this...I usually hate cliche stereotypes but in this case, it's right. That's why every so often, it's good to get excited for the unoriginal ideas. It's like someone thinking, because there is a cowboy there, he must ride a horse and wear spurs. It's like because a guy eats all the time, he must be overweight. It's like, you're a male so you must like meat or like outside. We all carry these stereotypes. Annoying when wrong? Yes. It's a stereotype. Just be aware to know that stereotypes are nnnever right all the time. Just be careful with the few stereotypes that are indeed correct. Now to the stereotype I'm proud of...I'm a Christian and excited for heaven.

I finally get it! "You will surely die." God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, not because they'll die automatically. To God the end result is the now. It wasn't that the tree was poison or something, but the tree opens your eyes to see evil. Before, it wasn't even a concept. It's the disobedience to God, conjoined with the knowledge of sin in the world that was deadly, it still is. Let's say it's a sin if you eat. Now it's only a "sin" to your body to not eat. If you continue restraining from something your body needs, you will die. In the same way if we restrain from God we will die in a very literal sense. God made everything. So in a sense, if you lie about everything, that may cause your destruction hence a sin to yourself and others leading them the wrong way. A life of sin destroys God's perfect work. He meant us to live forever, as crazy as it sounds. That's how God created us, to live forever. I know....nuts, but it makes sense with Genesis 2:17. I mean, wouldn't you just think if God told you, "You will surely die," no kiddin' God. But God means you weren't going to die NOW, you will someday. We weren't created for an end. Death, the last great evil. It's finally been conquered. So 1 Corinthians 15:54-55 is right, death has no sting. We can have life through our conquerer. No more saying goodbye. We get to live with Jesus and our family forever. You are good, Father. I love You.